Introduction to Travel Journalism: On the Road with Serious Intent

Paperback / Softback
Greenman, John F.
Peter Lang
218 pages; 12 x 150 x 225 mm
Reihe / Serie
Mass Communication and Journalism 5
Kommunikationswissenschaft, Greenman, identity, Intent, Introduction, Journalism, method, purpose, Road, Serious, tourism industry, Travel, travel industry, travel journalist, with
EUR 41,85 (inkl. MwSt.)
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Introduction to Travel Journalism
Travel writers and travel journalists are not the same. They differ in identity, purpose and method. The travel writer looks in a mirror; the travel journalist looks out a window. The travel writer serves the travel industry; the travel journalist serves the public. The travel writer is subsidized; the travel journalist pays his own way.
Introduction to Travel Journalism highlights these distinctions and offers independent, ethical, substantive journalists the skills and knowledge they need to cover the travel and tourism industry, to provide travelers with credible news and information, and to report significant trends and developments at home and across the world.
«This book provides invaluable advice, tips, and suggestions to journalists, writers, and students about how to do serious travel journalism. It is a goldmine of useful, concrete suggestions of where to pitch stories, how to fund travel, and how to break into the field.... The section on online entrepreneurship is particularly useful. Today's travel journalists have unique opportunities to start new ventures or to contribute to new startups.... It's an exciting new world, and this book will help everyone interested in travel journalism understand how to navigate the challenges ahead. There will always be a demand by the public for serious travel writing and this book helps show journalists how they can meet this demand in the coming years.» (John Schidlovsky, Executive Director, International Reporting Project)
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