Victorian  Lace collar  Edwardian style

VINTAGE  Lace  collar  from the days when women  loved old lace. This collar includes various hand work  and lovely  delicate  embellishments

Old   lace collars are far more than just elegant fabrics. They are works of art.

Homage to Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg  perfect item for any collector to add to their collection


#18- Off-white Victorian lace collar (small)

-11” long, 6” back, 10” neck


This is a beautiful Victorian or Edwardian lace collar.  It is ecru in color. I believe it is cotton. It is a lovely delicate floral motif with a strip of sort of netting with solid lozenges, then a scalloped border. 

Lace ties in back and rounded ruffle dickie   bib collar in the front. The lace around the neck is made with net fabric lace  and scalloped floral hand- work.

Good condition for its age but so minor   age stains    easily   removed in wash.

The beauty of symmetry and the elegance  make the collar a  work of art with a lovely delicate  motif.