Effects of Electric Power Blackouts on Steam Turbines Power Plants: Case Study of Power Plants in Sudan

Paperback / Softback
Alzeber, Hussein Ahmed Hussein; Farouk, Naeim; Khayal, Osama Mohammed Elmardi Suleiman
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
88 pages; 220 x 150 mm
Introduction, literature review, Methodology, Conclusions and Recommendations
EUR 39,90 (inkl. MwSt.)
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Effects of Electric Power Blackouts on Steam Turbines Power Plants
Here Bahry Thermal Power Plant was taken as a case study since it is more affected due to this phenomenon. In unit No. 6, which is steam power plant, both shafts of the high pressure and low pressure turbines were seriously defected. Other defects were noticed in the crankshaft seats and oil rings in high pressure and low pressure turbines. All those defects were mainly caused by high friction between rotating parts due to insufficient lubrication which is happened when lubricant circulation and oil pumps were suddenly stopped by the complete blackout. Also some defects were caused in the electrical generator, mainly in the main shaft and its seats due to same mentioned above reasons. To avoid phenomenon of complete blackout some safety precautions were suggested in this research. These precautions are mainly preventive and corrective maintenance which must be done as advised by the supplier of plants. In order to reduce human errors, intensive training should be carried out for all engineers and technicians in the power plant inside and outside Sudan.
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