Our shoes are painted by hand, using long-lasting leather paints and dyes from Angelus. They are made with love, each being a unique piece of art we hope to inspire your style with. Our customers have the ability to customize a shoe up to their liking, allowing them to grow a connection with their new sneakers.

We believe that a person's shoes say a lot about their personality, and we want to be able to help you express that through YOUR art. What goes on your feet should tell people who you are, or whom you aspire to be.

At Slats, we hope to go beyond your expectations and bring joy from the moment your package arrives at your doorstep, to that first moment you open your box to reveal your newest art piece.

We hope you grow a connection with our products as we have grown a connection with our customers.

Lana <3


All designs are Professionally Prepared, Painted, and Clear Finished. These sneakers can be worn casually and are WATERPROOF.

Please allow 2-3 weeks for your order to be delivered. Shipping times are based on order volume. Tracking is provided once shipped.

Note that every shoe has a unique pattern and/or color pattern unless other wise posted.