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CD mit super Scans von Originale Zeitschriften 'The Indian News' (USA)  - Vol. XI / 1944 - in PDF-Format!

1944 = VÖLLIG KOMPLETT! ALLE 1944 Nummern: No 1 - No 5

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VOL. XI, No 1


Form M696 (Color Brochure Wartime Indans)

W.P.B. OK's Production of New Indians For Essential Home Front

Uses - A.M.A. Elects New Officers – Stunt Man Extraordinary –

Two Indian Executives Elected to Company's Board of Directors –

Victory Driving at its Best with a Smooth Clutch – Military

Motorcyclists on Russian Front – News of Clubs and Riders –

Letters to the Editor – Tandem Rider Records the Facts

VOL. XI, No 2

APRIL – MAY – JUNE, 1944

Navy Veteran Takes Delivery of First Wartime Indi an

For Es s ent i al Tr ansport a t ion - I n d i a n Mi l i t a r y

Mo t o r c y c l e s Ma k e F i r s t Appe ar ance on Civi l i an

Market – Li n c o l n , Ne b r a s k a Mo t o r c yc l i s t Memb e r

o f t h e Fame d "Fo c u s Ca t s " -Fu t u r e Op p o r t u n i t i e s

Un l imi t e d i n Mo t o r cycle Industry – Mo t o r c y c l e s

C o n q u e r " T h e S a h a r a o f America" – From

Motor c yc l e De a l er to Cat t l e Ranche r- News of Clubs

and Riders – Let t ers to the Editor – Use of Improper

Oil Disastrous to Motorcycles Prope r Ca r e Pa ys Bi g

Dividends in Troubl e

VOL. 11, No 3


Complete Vision and Motorcycle Design Factors In Making

Motorcycle Safest Vehicle On Our Highways - Riders Welcome

New Indian Motorcycles "Synthetic" Tires and Tubes – A Visit

With C. Oscar Hedstrom – Indian Motorcycles Given Thorough

Preparation For Oversea Shipment – News of Clubs and Riders –

Letters to the Editor – Lodi Motorcycle Club Looks Forward To

National Event in Post-war Days – Goings On and Visitors at the


VOL. 11, No 4

SEPT. – OCT., 1944

Magnaflux and your Motor – A.M.A. Competition Committee

Invites Rider Suggestions – Headlines from Texas – Riders in

Uniform– News of Clubs and Riders – Front Line Fire Fighters

Letters to the Editor – "The Crank Case" – PreViews? Bitzas? -

Indian Riders of the Month

VOL. 11, No 5

NOV. – DEC., 1944

Club News – African Adventure – Letters to the Editor – More

About Safety by Kickstarter – Crankcase – A. M. A. Article –

Notes from the Saddlebag

INTERNATIONAL BIDDERS WELCOME! Please ask for a shipping quote BEFORE bidding! Item ships from Belgium!

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