Cinnamomum camphora 



Conditioning : in amber bottle.

Culture : natural

Extraction mode: Complete distillation by steam distillation of the leaves of the camphor tree.

Odour : spicy, pleasant and refreshing

Conservation: store in a dry place away from heat and light.


100% pure and natural, this essential oil, is a powerful stimulant and general tonic of the body. It is an anti-infective and an antiviral, particularly indicated for respiratory problems. It is positive (powerful tonic of the mind). It is a powerful pain reliever and anti-rheumatic medication.


Properties (according to bibliography):

- Antiseptic

- Anti-inflammatory

- General tonic

- Respiratory and cardiac stimulant

- Analgesic

- Activates blood circulation



Indications (according to bibliography):

- Respiratory problems: flu, colds, bronchitis, cough, ...
- Pain: migraines and headaches,
- Poor blood circulation: heavy legs, swollen feet,
- Fatigue and asthenia.


Application advice:
External use :       

Oily anointings (mixed with vegetable oil or other essential oils)

- To breathe (3 to 5 minutes several times a day as needed).
- To diffuse (with diffuser (essential oil).
- In massage (by diluting 3 drops for a tablespoon in a neutral massage / friction oil.
- In bath (by diluting 5 drops of essential oil for a bubble bath cap, use the neutral bubble bath base).


Precautions for use:
Avoid contact with eyes.

 Do not take orally.
Camphor essential oil is neurotoxic and abortifacient. Do not use in pregnant or breastfeeding women. Do not use in babies, young children or sensitive subjects.

 Not suitable for epileptics.


Certain natural compounds contained in this essential oil can present a risk of allergy in certain sensitive people when the essential oil is incorporated in a cosmetic composition.

As a general rule, always test the application of your preparation, in the crease of the elbow, at least 48 hours before using it.



For any use of essential oils for therapeutic purposes,
it is important for your health to 
consult a health professional: 
essential oils are powerful active ingredients 
which should not be used lightly 


Photo credit:

Author: By John Tann



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100% pure and natural, this essential oil, is a powerful stimulant and general tonic of the body. It is an anti-infective and an antiviral, particularly indicated for respiratory problems. It is positive (powerful tonic of the mind). It is a powerful pain reliever and anti-rheumatic medication. - In bath (by diluting 5 drops of essential oil for a bubble bath cap, use the neutral bubble bath base). Camphor essential oil is neurotoxic and abortifacient. Do not use in pregnant or breastfeeding women. Do not use in babies, young children or sensitive subjects. Certain natural compounds contained in this essential oil can present a risk of allergy in certain sensitive people when the essential oil is incorporated in a cosmetic composition. As a general rule, always test the application of your