1 Fresh Cut Pad -Pancake Prickly Pear- (Opuntia Chlorotica)

Picked fresh when ordered                6-8" inch cactus cutting

Cactus from the California desert

the prickly pear cactus cutting is very hardy and can be rooted very easy by placing a quarter to half way in the ground in moist soil, preferably cactus type soil for best results.
 keep it moist but not to wet and these will establish roots, quickly after that they will start growing bigger and sprouting other pads off pads.

(Opuntia chlorotica), a widespread prickly pear found in five states, forms great clusters; old specimens reach heights of 8 feet or more and have hundreds of pads branching from a thick central trunk, (usually) covered in golden-yellow spines, between 1 and 2 inches long in clusters of up to 7, which continue to grow on old segments, so that the lower limbs of these large plants seem especially prickly