6 x individual Spell Candles in a wide choice of spell colours to suit your own desires.

Candle magic is one of the simplest forms of spell casting in which the caster decides on a goal, visualizes the end result and focuses intent or will to manifest that result.

Typically the caster will write down their intent on a piece of paper the same colour as the candle and burn the paper in a fire safe bowl. The candle needs to be burned completely for the spell to be completed.

Each of these spell candles has an approximate burn time of 1 hour and these spell candles are a solid colour all the way through (not dipped).

You will receive 6 individual Spell Candles of your colour choice packed in a ziplock bag and carefully labelled, for use with rituals to attract Happiness, Love, Wealth, Wisdom, Protection, and more....

Types of Spell Candles:
  • Confidence - Orange
  • Friendship - Pink
  • Happiness - White
  • Love - Red
  • Luck - Green
  • Peace - Light Blue
  • Prosperity - Purple
  • Protection - Black
  • Success - Yellow
  • Wisdom - Dark Blue
Each Candle is made from parafin wax and is approximately 10cm long and 12 mm wide, with a burn time of approximately 1 hour.

PLEASE NOTE: These Spell Candles are not self supporting and should be used with a Holder or in a fire proof dish.

We are required by law to state that any spell candles are sold for entertainments purposes only, we cannot guarantee that you will gain the outcome you wish by using any of these.

Please choose your required Spell Candles from the drop down menu.


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