Edizione Blandford Press, Poole [Dorset, U.K.], 1979 Illustrazioni Fotografie in B/N e a colori e disegni in B/N
N. Volumi 1 N. Pagine XIV + 431
Dimensioni 16,4 x 22,8 x 4,3 cm. Peso 1,17 kg.


eliable modern reference books in English dealing in detail with 'the pineapple family of plants' - the Bromeliads - have been virtually non-existent up to the present time. The German publication (in 1970 and 1973) of Professor Werner Rauh's comprehensive two-volume work Bromelien coincided with increasingly widespread international interest in collecting and growing these plants. The two volumes, translated into English and presented in one volume, according to Professor Rauh's recommendations, thus fills the void in the existing literature and represents a major publishing landmark.

All of the 134 coloured plates, 315 black and white photographs and 90 line drawings of the original German volumes have been retained for this edition. The book is exciting because it covers the entire field of Bromeliads, dealing with their botany, collecting in the field, acclimatising, seed sowing, growing. propagation.

This book will be of great interest to the general reader for the vivid accounts of collecting these plants, as well as a mine of information to the amateur and professional grower alike. The colour illustrations are enhanced by clear and precise line drawings. The book should provide an exciting stimulus in a comparatively new field of horticulture and highlights the fantastic world of these highly-coloured plants whether in leaf, in bloom or in fruit.

Most bromeliads are so easy to grow and are able to live without attention for weeks at a time on air alone. They can be grown as house and room plants, in greenhouses, or where conditions are suitable, in the open air. The work has been translated into English jointly by Professor Harvey L. Kendall of the California State University, U.S.A., and by Peter Temple of London, England, who has also undertaken the job of editing - he is an authority on the plants, has collected them in many countries and been growing bromeliads for over 30 years.

Note bibliografiche

Prima Edizione, pubblicata da Blandford Press nel 1979, a copertina rigida intela beige, con titoli dorati al dorso; rilegata a filo; stampata su carta opaca di buona grammatura (testo) e su carta lucida (fotografie), con buona marginatura al testo; corredata da numerose fotografie in B/N e a colori e disegni in B/N; dotata di sovracoperta lucida illustrata a colori.

Stato di conservazione

Più che Ottimo [Il volume non mostra danni strutturali, strappi, segni, mancanze o usure gravi che vadano evidenziate; legatura compatta e robusta; copertine rigide ben tenute e con pochi segni del tempo; sovracoperta in ottimo stato, con piccole sgualciture ai bordi e minime opacità da sfregamento ai piatti; coste poco impolverate; ingiallimento delle pagine nella norma per l'età ed il materiale].