Bag handle Bag handle

by Union Button

color cream

Length: 18cm

If you have placed several items in your shopping cart, please request the total invoice from us.
We will then summarize the purchase and reduce the postage to the value that is only really needed.
You will usually receive within max. 12 hours from us a total bill.
You can check it again and only pay if everything is in order. This avoids time-consuming multiple payments and possibly Refunds avoided.
Many Thanks

Bag handle Bag handle by Union Button color cream Length: 18cm If you have placed several items in your shopping cart, please request the total invoice from us. We will then summarize the purchase and reduce the postage to the value that is only really needed. You will usually receive within max. 12 hours from us a total bill. You can check it again and only pay if everything is in order. This avoids time-consuming multiple payments and possibly Refunds avoided. Many Thanks
Bag handle Bag handle by Union Button color cream Length: 18cm If you have placed several items in your shopping cart, please request the total invoice from us. We will then summarize the purchase and reduce the postage to the value that is only really needed. You will usually receive within max. 12 hours from us a total bill. You can check it again and only pay if everything is in order. This avoids time-consuming multiple payments and possibly Refunds avoided. Many Thanks
Bag handle Bag handle by Union Button color cream Length: 18cm If you have placed several items in your shopping cart, please request the total invoice from us. We will then summarize the purchase and reduce the postage to the value that is only really needed. You will usually receive within max. 12 hours from us a total bill. You can check it again and only pay if everything is in order. This avoids time-consuming multiple payments and possibly Refunds avoided. Many Thanks