Origanum majorana 





Conditioning : in amber glass codigoutte bottle.

Culture : conventional

Extraction mode: Complete distillation by steam distillation of the flowering tops.

Smell : green, earthy

Conservation : Store in a dry place, away from heat and light.


100% pure and natural, this essential oil, East mainly known for its calming and sedative properties ; it is used to relieve anxiety, anguish and stress, and to regulate the heart rate. Anti-infectious, bactericidal and antispasmodic, it is also used in oily anointings to fight against aerophagia and respiratory infections.


Properties (according to bibliography):

- Powerful parasympathicotonic: hypotensive, vasodilatory, anaphrodisiac, sedative, powerful calming of the central nervous system

- Anti-asthenic, neurotonic and general and nervous rebalancing

-  Powerful fungicide

- Powerful antibacterial

- Antispasmodic 

- Percutaneous analgesic and anti-inflammatory

- Stomach, intestinal and kidney stimulant



Indications (according to bibliography):

It reduces the effects of stress by rebalancing the autonomic nervous system:

- Digestive disorders of nervous origin (hyperchlorhydria, peptic ulcer, gastralgia, colitis, bloating), digestive infections (mouth ulcers, diarrhea, enterocolitis)

- Bronchial pulmonary disorders (dyspnea), respiratory infections (colds, rhinitis, nasopharyngitis, sinusitis, bronchitis),

- neurovegetative dystonias with sympathicotonia (anxiety, stress before exams, agitation, oppression, certain psycho-neuroses, insomnia, dizziness)

-pain: neuralgia, aches and pains, rheumatic pain (muscular rheumatism, osteoarthritis)

- cardiovascular disorders (tachycardias, erethism, arrhythmia, angina, hypertension).







Application tip:
External use :       

Oily anointings (mixed with vegetable oil or other essential oils)

- To breathe (3 to 5 minutes several times a day as needed).
- To diffuse (with diffuser (of essential oil).
- In massage (by diluting 3 drops per tablespoon in a neutral massage/friction oil.
- In the bath (by diluting 5 drops of essential oil for a bubble bath cap, use the neutral bubble bath base).

- perfumery: can be used in anti-stress lotion and eau de toilette formulas.


Precautions for use:
 Not recommended during the first three months of pregnancy.

Dermocaustic (may irritate sensitive skin): dilute (20%) in vegetable oil.

Certain natural compounds contained in this essential oil may present a risk of allergy in certain sensitive people when the essential oil is incorporated into a cosmetic composition:  linalool, limonene, geraniol.

As a general rule, always do a test application of your preparation, in the crook of the elbow, at least 48 hours before using it.


For any use of essential oils for therapeutic purposes,
it is important for your health to 
consult a healthcare professional: 
essential oils are powerful active ingredients 
which should not be used lightly 


100% pure and natural, this essential oil, East mainly known for its calming and sedative properties ; it is used to relieve anxiety, anguish and stress, and to regulate the heart rate. Anti-infectious, bactericidal and antispasmodic, it is also used in oily anointings to fight against aerophagia and respiratory infections. - Digestive disorders of nervous origin (hyperchlorhydria, peptic ulcer, gastralgia, colitis, bloating), digestive infections (mouth ulcers, diarrhea, enterocolitis) - neurovegetative dystonias with sympathicotonia (anxiety, stress before exams, agitation, oppression, certain psycho-neuroses, insomnia, dizziness) Certain natural compounds contained in this essential oil may present a risk of allergy in certain sensitive people when the essential oil is incorporated into