Welcome TAURUS (MOS 8701 replacement with automatic PAL & NTSC switching!)

The idea was born after seeing that the various replacement MOS 8701s that are found are decidedly bulky, sometimes they take up almost double the space, other solutions are quite contained but ... I wanted to create something extreme ... extremely compact and capable of be able to adapt to both a PAL and NTSC card without having to set any jumper.

It's time for TAURUS 

Why TAURUS is better than other solutions?
  1. Taurus is developed in a standard space of an 8 pin DIP! The realization is extreme (see the photo). This was one of the goals.
  2. The second goal was to be able to create a replacement 8701 that could be inserted without having to modify / insert any jumper to be able to use it on a PAL or NTSC board. Here TAURUS is able to electronically switch its configuration in order to work in both standard
  3. Equipped with precision pin headers to plug on your motherboard socket. Pins  are 0.018" (0.46mm) to ensure they do not cause extra wear on your socket. Gold plated to ensure the best possible contact
  4. All miniaturized and there's also a power led on the bottom
  5. The dimensions are record-breaking: 19,4mm x 8,7mm