AO Newly Updated Original Pilot Gold Frame True Color Green Glass Sunglasses

AO Newly Updated Original Pilot Gold Frame True Color Green Glass Sunglasses

The True Original…
Since 1833

Handcrafted in the USA



There is a reason some things never go out of style. Marrying form, function, and quality, AO sunglasses have the power to last through the decades. It’s not about fads, it’s about creating designs that become an integral part of your look.

Before the invention of the car. Before the radio. Before typewriters, elevators, and telephones. Before electricity, in 1833, American Optical was already helping people see the world.

The oldest and greatest optical company in American history has pioneered optical and eyewear innovation for centuries. AO’s founders believed everyone should have access to eyewear, not just the elite, and changed history by bringing spectacle manufacturing to the US. Since then, AO has originated sunwear styles worn by pilots, Presidents, and NASA space crews.

Still committed to independent thinking. Still made in America. Still focused on the future, AO continues to set the standard for American eyewear.