Coro De Silencio By Roberto Rodriguez Díaz.

Coro de Silencio es el primer libro denunciando los abusos fisicos y mentales causados por la iglesia Catolica y la Cia al crear Operacion Pedro Pan, durante los años entre 1960, y 1962 le mintieron a nuestros padres que ibamos a ser llevados a escuelas Catolicas, en vez nos llevaron a casas de crianza, orfelinatos, y peor aun reformatorios, para niños con problemas mentales.

A mi la arquidiocesis de Miami y su Cardinal Favalora me ofrecio una gran cantidad de dinero por mi silencio. Coro de Silencio es solo una de 14,048 historias


Roberto Rodríguez’s Choir of Silence (2013) is a self-published memoir of exile and life as a Cuban child brought to the United States under the auspices of Operation Peter Pan.

The author writes: These are my memories of Operation Peter Pan and exile. Operation Peter Pan was created by the CIA, Cuba, the Catholic Church, and the Diocese of Miami in 1960-1962, during which 14, 048 children were brought to live in the U.S. with the understanding that we would receive a Catholic school education. Nothing was further from the truth; upon arrival in Miami, we were taken to foster homes, orphanages, and reformatories for children with mental illnesses. Even worse, we were subjected to medication for long periods of time in order to erase our minds. This resulted in my not being able to retain anything, thus forcing me to abandon school. This long-term physical and mental damage inflicted on children—resulting in a loss of identity—was enormous; some survived and other preferred not to remember. I hope that my memoir will be read by other Peter Pan survivors and allow them to feel comfortable telling their stories as well, and not remain as a “choir of silence.”