Topow Heavy Duty 10000 Watt Step Up and Down Voltage Converter Transformer 110V and 220V


Product Description

Made by one of the leading manufacturers in the industry, the Topow ST Series step up / step down voltage transformers offer you a safe, reliable, affordable and convenient solution to converting voltages from 110-120 volts up to 220-240 volts, or from 220-240 volts down to 110-120 volts for both home use and industrial applications.

The ST-10000 is rated at 10000 watts maximum. It also uses a protective standard fuse for extra safety.

The manufacturer recommends you purchase a transformer that is 25% higher than the wattage you need. You should know that you will never damage your appliance with a higher voltage transformer, however if you buy one that is not powerful enough, it will not work.

Remember to leave at least a 100% slack for the transformer. Some items, such as laser printers and power tools, spike when you turn them on. For these types of situations you need to buy a transformer that is at least 3 times the item's capacity.     

  • Use Amps to calculate Watts:
 Volts (times) Amps = Watts : For example 110 Volts x 5 Amps = 550 Watts