Enhance your photography skills with this Macro Extension Tube Ring Set designed for Olympus M4/3 Mount Cameras. With its twist-on fastening, it securely attaches to your camera's lens fitting allowing you to take stunning close-up shots. The China-made extension tube set is suitable for Olympus M4/3 Camera's. The type of extension tube is Twist-On, and the camera fitting is Olympus M4/3. Start exploring new dimensions of photography with this Macro Extension Tube Ring Set!

Extension tubes are metal tubes with a rear-lens mount at one end and a camera-body mount at the other end. Extension tube set does not affect image quality as there is no optics inside

No electronic contact and auto focus cannot be performed. Exposure and focus have to be adjusted manually

Use of:

set your lens to maximum aperture;

set-up camera and lens to manual mode, switch off and detach the lens;

attach extension tube between the camera and lens;

put your camera on tripod, or better on rail system;

put object close to the lens and use lot of light;

increase ISO, decrease shutter speed;

Please note: when tubes attached, you need to do all manually.