Lipid Based Drug Delivery Systems for Proteins: Physical stability of proteins at the oil-water interface

Paperback / Softback
Jørgensen, Lene
VDM Verlag Dr. Müller
96 pages
EUR 49,00 (inkl. MwSt.)
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Lipid Based Drug Delivery Systems for Proteins
Proteins are pharmaceuticals with high specificity
and activity at relatively low concentrations, but
to fully exploit their potential, an increased
effort has been put into the research and
development of suitable drug delivery concepts. The
success of a protein depends on the development of a
formulation that maintains the native protein
structure and activity during preparation of the
delivery system. A joint characteristic of many
delivery systems are the presence of two phases and
an interface. During preparation, proteins are
exposed to mechanical stress, to different
excipients, to the mixing of the phase, and to the
creation of an oil-water interface. Since proteins
are amphiphilic molecules the effect exercised by
this exposure to the interface on the structure of
the protein is of great importance. This book
contains a literature review with emphasis on the
various aspects of protein physical stability at the
oil-water interface and exemplifies the major
choices that have to be made when examining the
structural changes in various formulations. It is
especially useful to new pharmaceutical scientists
moving into this field.
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