The Urban Logistic Network: Cities, Transport and Distribution in Europe from the Middle Ages to Modern Times

Paperback / Softback
Favero, Giovanni; Serruys, Michael-W.; Sugiura, Miki
Springer, Berlin
1st ed. 2019
253 pages; XVII, 253 p. 42 illus., 21 illus. in color.; 14 x 148 x 210 mm
Reihe / Serie
Palgrave Studies in Economic History
Urban logistic network, Urban economics, Transport economics, Maritime economics, Economic history of urban networks, Environmental dynamics of networks, Sustainability of goods distribution, Economics of goods services, Economic geography of urban networks, Historical economic geography, Transport and distribution, History of transport networks, Economic corridors, Belfast-Dublin railway corridor, Historical geography
EUR 171,19 (inkl. MwSt.)
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The Urban Logistic Network
This edited collection examines the formation of urban networks and role of gateways in Europe from the Middle Ages to the modern world. In the past, gateway cities were merely perceived as transport points, only relevant to maritime shipping. Today they are seen as the organic entities coordinating the allocation of resources and supporting the growth, efficiency and sustainability of logistics (including both the transport and distribution of goods and services). Using different historical case studies, the authors consider how logistics shaped urban networks and were shaped by them.
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