This offer is for one  pound of Britannia metal casting ingots. This is virgin metal direct from the smelter and not melted down scrap that could contain lead and God knows what else. Britannia metal is the highest grade of pewter and consists of 93% tin, 5% antimony and 2% copper. Britannia melts at 450 F and is known for it's silver luster. This metal is great for casting jewelry, model airplane parts, fishing lures or just about anything. I have cast 44 caliber Britannia balls for my cap and ball pistol and find them to have more penetration as the metal is harder than lead.    Several people are selling scrap pewter and scrap is junk first and formost. I know for a fact that there are people selling scrap that has lead in it and I got this information from buyers who have bought my metal after being burned by lead junk being called pewter. If you really don't care then buy it from your local junk yard and save money because pewter with lead has a much lower value than they are asking for it. Lead does nothing but cut the cost to the seller. It has no effect what so ever on casting or detail and it is toxic.