For sale is the collection of commons with some uncommons from Magic 2010 as listed below. The collection is organized and does not contain anything in excess of a play set. All of my items are kept in a smoke-free environment.

I will try to send the cards in the booster box of the set. If you buy five or more such collections from me, I can send them in a booster case box for a touch of authenticity, safety in transportation, and hopefully get you a shipping discount. If you do buy multiple collections, to get the shipping discount do not pay immediately and instead request an invoice once you have all of the items you want.

Name    Collection 5 (Qty)
Wall of Fire    1
Angel's Feather    1
Rod of Ruin    1
Wurm's Tooth    1
Angel's Mercy    4
Blinding Mage    4
Divine Verdict    4
Excommunicate    4
Glorious Charge    4
Griffin Sentinel    4
Holy Strength    4
Lifelink    4
Pacifism    3
Palace Guard    4
Razorfoot Griffin    4
Safe Passage    4
Siege Mastodon    4
Silvercoat Lion    4
Solemn Offering    3
Soul Warden    4
Stormfront Pegasus    4
Veteran Armorsmith    4
Veteran Swordsmith    4
Wall of Faith    4
Cancel    4
Convincing Mirage    4
Coral Merfolk    3
Disorient    4
Divination    4
Essence Scatter    4
Horned Turtle    4
Ice Cage    4
Illusionary Servant    4
Jump    3
Merfolk Looter    4
Negate    4
Ponder    3
Sage Owl    3
Serpent of the Endless Sea    4
Snapping Drake    4
Tome Scour    4
Unsummon    4
Wind Drake    4
Zephyr Sprite    4
Acolyte of Xathrid    4
Assassinate    4
Child of Night    3
Disentomb    4
Doom Blade    4
Dread Warlock    4
Drudge Skeletons    4
Duress    3
Gravedigger    4
Kelinore Bat    3
Looming Shade    4
Mind Rot    4
Sign in Blood    4
Soul Bleed    3
Tendrils of Corruption    4
Unholy Strength    3
Vampire Aristocrat    4
Warpath Ghoul    4
Weakness    4
Zombie Goliath    4
Berserkers of Blood Ridge    3
Burning Inquiry    2
Burst of Speed    4
Canyon Minotaur    4
Fiery Hellhound    3
Firebreathing    4
Goblin Piker    4
Jackal Familiar    4
Kindled Fury    4
Lava Axe    4
Lightning Bolt    1
Lightning Elemental    4
Panic Attack    4
Raging Goblin    3
Seismic Strike    3
Shatter    4
Sparkmage Apprentice    4
Trumpet Blast    4
Viashino Spearhunter    4
Yawning Fissure    4
Borderland Ranger    4
Bountiful Harvest    4
Bramble Creeper    4
Centaur Courser    4
Craw Wurm    4
Deadly Recluse    4
Elvish Visionary    4
Emerald Oryx    4
Entangling Vines    4
Fog    4
Giant Growth    4
Giant Spider    4
Llanowar Elves    3
Mist Leopard    4
Naturalize    3
Oakenform    4
Rampant Growth    4
Regenerate    4
Runeclaw Bear    4
Stampeding Rhino    4
Terramorphic Expanse    3