The Hottest New Cigar Accessory!

The first combination Cigar Nubber and Draw Enhancing tool on the market. This is one accessory you will always want at your fingertips.

Allows You to Smoke to the End...
Have you ever noticed how a cigar keeps tasting better as you get closer to the end? In fact, the magical last inch is always the best. That's exactly why the cigar nubber was created. Now you can smoke your cigar until it's virtually gone. Just poke the pointed end of the cigar nubber close to the end and use the easy grip handle to enjoy every last puff.

Improves Draw...
Sometimes even the best cigars might be rolled too tight. Even if the cigar had the perfect draw at one time, age and storage conditions can negatively affect the draw. That's why we designed ribs on the shaft of the cigar nubber. Gently push the cigar nubber into the cut end of your cigar then pull it back out. The ribs make a perfect gap to ensure you get a perfectly smooth and even draw.

Convenient Matchstick Style Packaging...
Always have a cigar nubber when you need it. The matchstick style package is easy to carry and easy to open. With 12  cigar nubbers in every box, you have enough to enhance the smoking experience of multiple sessions for you and your friends.  

100% Eco-Friendly Natural Bamboo...
The cigar nubber is made from the highest quality materials. By using 100% natural bamboo, the cigar nubber is sturdy and never introduces any undesirable flavors into you smoke. Also, bamboo is 100% biodegradable, and it is the world's most renewable resource.

Save Money - Buy Multiple Packs...
Once you try the cigar nubber you will never want to be without it. And your friends will love them too. With our multi pack purchase options, you can save up to 30% and pay one low price for shipping.