Argo Raft / Upgrades

Ich biete hier für das Spiel Star Citizen im Store nicht erhältliche Upgrades zur Argo Raft an.

Falls euer bestehendes Schiff LTI besitzt, wird dies beim Upgrade mit übernommen.

"As it does with all its industrial concerns, Argo takes cargo transport very seriously, on every scale. The RAFT is no exception, able to carry three standardized 32-SCU cargo containers for a total hauling capacity of 96 SCU. Perfect for entry-level haulers and old pros alike, the RAFT is an ideal solution for reliable local freight transport. Once again, Argo gets the job done."

Verfügbare Upgrades:

- Cutlass Black to RAFT
- Buccaneer to RAFT
- F7C Hornet to RAFT
- Gladius Valiant to RAFT
- Freelancer to RAFT
- Talon to RAFT
- Talon Shrike to RAFT
- Nova to RAFT
- Legionnaire to RAFT

Da Pakete, Schiffe und Items nur einmal verschenkt werden können, kann dieses Item nach Erhalt nicht weiterverschenkt werden. Die Möglichkeit, Items in Store Credits umzuwandeln, besteht aber weiterhin.


Argo Raft / Upgrades

I am offering upgrades to the Argo Raft for Star Citizen that are not available in the store.
If your existing ship comes with LTI,
it will be included after the upgrade.

"As it does with all its industrial concerns, Argo takes cargo transport very seriously, on every scale. The RAFT is no exception, able to carry three standardized 32-SCU cargo containers for a total hauling capacity of 96 SCU. Perfect for entry-level haulers and old pros alike, the RAFT is an ideal solution for reliable local freight transport. Once again, Argo gets the job done."

Available upgrades:

- Cutlass Black to RAFT
- Buccaneer to RAFT
- F7C Hornet to RAFT
- Gladius Valiant to RAFT
- Freelancer to RAFT
- Talon to RAFT
- Talon Shrike to RAFT
- Nova to RAFT
- Legionnaire to RAFT

Since packages and ships can only be gifted once, this item can not be given away any further. The ability to convert items to store credits still exists.

Wer noch keinen Star Citizen-Account besitzt, kann gerne meinen Referral-Code bei der Account-Erstellung angeben: STAR-VPYT-TRHJ
Dafür gibt es automatisch 5.000 UEC (United Earth Credits), welche für Ausrüstung, Bewaffnung oder Hangardekoration verwendet werden können.

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