This listing is only for size 85x45x0.5 mm, you will only get 1 pack for each order, please check my other listings for other sizes.

If you don't see authentic tag on the package, it's probably a fake product. Their costs are 50% cheaper than the real one. Not a bad idea to ask the buyer to send you the real product pictures. I know it because I bought like 100 of them from a supplier then I realize they are fake and I can’t sell them(well, maybe I can but I don’t want to risk it).

Check the brand session on the listing, if it’s not listed as Thermalright it’s a red flag.

It usually take 2 - 3 packs of thermal pads to replace all the pads in your gpu. And please make sure you are purchasing the right thickness, especially thermalright’s pads are really hard and can be barely squeezed. The vram and vrm could be using different thickness. If the pads on vram are too thick, your processor will not have enough contact with the heat sink, which will cause your core temperature spikes. If the pads are too thin, your VRAM might not even touch with the heat sink.