Watsonia Borbonica (pink)
Also known as: Cape Bugle Lily

An attractive herbaceous plant, with strikingly colored, trumpet-shaped flowers, that grows within the unique and diverse fynbos habitat of the Cape Floristic Region of South Africa. The broad, pointed green leaves give the base of the plant a fan-like appearance, and surround an elongated vertical flower spike, which bears up to 20 flowers. The large ornate flowers are pink in color, and are fragrant. It will grow 3-5 feet high and about 2-3 feet wide. The fruit is an egg-shaped, woody capsule, which contains many small, oblong winged seeds. It is a perennial and bulbous plant, and it is deciduous.

Grown in the same manner as Gladiolus. It will tolerate a somewhat wide range of soils, need a sunny, well-drained position which is fairly dry over winter when the bulbs are dormant. Plant corms in early spring and water regularly during the active growth phase. Occasional feeding during the growing season with small doses of organic fertilizer will improve flowering. Although adapted to a winter rainfall climate, it will thrive under summer rainfall conditions provided it is grown in well-drained soil. After flowering, the leaves and stems can be cut back. Clumps are best lifted and divided every three to five years after flowering, during the dormant season, and the corms re-planted immediately or stored and kept dry until the next growing season. Corms should be planted at a depth of approximately half their diameter. Corms will rot if over-watered or if planted in poorly drained soil. No serious insect or disease problems. Great for beds, borders or large containers.
USDA zone: 8 to 10
Family: Iridaceae (Iris family)

This offer is for 15 seeds.

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Most specialty seeds we offer are NOT fast to germinate.

Many take several weeks, months, and some even up towards a year depending on dormancy, region, season etc. It is important that the buyer understands that seeds are perishable products and seed germination can be adversely affected by such factors as mold/fungus, bugs, temperature, moisture content, light intensity, dormancy, care, contamination of planting media among many other reasons. These factors are totally out of The Plant Attraction's control and are the buyer's responsibility and risk. Germination recommendations are sent with each order and the buyer is free to research and use their own methods. Floating seeds do not always indicate that the seed is not viable. Many times it is a misconception because the seed does not have the density to sink in water. Accordingly, The Plant Attraction does not guarantee seeds to perform properly regardless of conditions or buyer's methods or mistakes. Since 2006 we have been doing our best to hand sort and provide the freshest, cleanest harvest that is free of defects and bugs.