Nikkor/Nikon Wide Angle 24mm f/2.8 N Auto Lens
(No 266249)

This is an awesome and classic lens with highly acclaimed crisp optics. Probably conceived and born in the late1960's.

About the lens on offer

The lens body does show superficial signs of wear, purely cosmetic. There are, cosmetically much prettier lenses available, but I doubt many have optics this good!

About the optics

A pretty lens with poor optics isn't worth a fig! And it's the optics that make this lens a cracker!

Even inspection via unforgiving torchlight reveals only very few minor and virtually inconsequential intrusions.


And that's why this lens was inducted into the renowned DS Collection.

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NB: This lens is compatible with the Nikon F series and Nikkormat lenses. Please check compatibility.