Ersatznadel Nadel Stylus für Audio-Technica

Conical Nude Saphir Stylus


AT10, ATS10, ATS-10L 

AT11, AT11E, ATS11, ATS11E, PRO11E

ATS12, ATS12C, AT12E, PRO12E



Needle Stylus replacement for Audio-Technica


AT10, ATS10, ATS-10L 

AT11, AT-11, AT11E, AT-11E ATS11, ATS-11, ATS11E, PRO11E

ATS12, ATS12C, AT12E, PRO12E



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If you need the screw kits please click on the image below:

If you need the headshell wires please click on the image below:

If you have an interest in universal spacers, weights and dampers for headshells and phono cartridges please click on the image below:

If you have an interest in exclusive custom-made wood bodies for Denon DL103(R) phono cartridges please click on the image below:

Denon DL103/DL103R Wood Body Modification Tutorial

If you have an interest in exclusive custom-made wood bodies for Shure V15 Type III phono cartridges please click on the image below:

Shure V15 Type III Wood Body Modification Tutorial

If you have an interest in exclusive custom-made wood bodies for Audio-Technica AT95 cartridges please click on the image below:

Audio-Technica AT95 Wood Body Modification Tutorial

If you have an interest in special spacers, weights and dampers for SME 3009/3012 headshells and phono cartridges please click on the image below: