This is a sheet metal "Police car" made in Japan. I would guess it to be late-50s by the design of it. It is of no particular brand and is not detailed anywhere near as well as the die-cast or matchbox that I've seen. It is interesting because I've never seen any other like it.

It has little painted pictures of a police officers in uniform in the front driver seat. In the passenger street is a man wearing a fedora who, I guess, is a detective. Both of these "cops" also have side views and a rear view silhouette.

All items, such as siren, logo, lights, door handles, windows are painted.

The car is missing one tire (left front).

It is 4 5/8" long. 2" wide. 1" high.

Not counting the wheels and axles it is made from two pieces of sheet metal: One for  the body and one for the underside.

In the 1950s "made in Japan" often implied low quality, which changed over time. As we now know, most Japanese products are of excellent quality. I think that makes this little car a bit of history.