Railroad Signaling
 Book Collection on 16 GB USB FLASH DRIVE


 The Ultimate History  Collection of 26  Books        



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  This USB contains 26 interesting books about Railroad Signaling. Various excellent  books about the theory and practice of railway signaling, automatic block  signals, signal circuits, interlocking signals, modern methods of railroad  signaling as well as many illustrations of the devices and appliances can be  found and explored.
This outstanding book collection serves as an indispensable  resource for anyone interested in railroad signaling.

 - Many old out-of-print books

- Historical Information

- Illustrations

- Fundamentals

- Theory and practice

- Dictionaries and catalogues of parts and devices

- Block and interlocking signals

- Automatic signals and signal circuits

- Rules and regulations

- Various technologies

- Construction and equipment

- Operation

- ...and much more





 The A B C of railroad signaling; a lecture delivered before the Harvard School  of Business Administration (1909)  - Elliott, W. H. - 82 pages


 Railway signaling in theory and practice (1909)  - Latimer, J. B. - 430 pages
 Railway signaling; a comprehensive treatise on modern methods of railway  signaling, covering principles of operation and types of apparatus; (1907)  - 118 pages
 The railway signal dictionary; an illustrated vocabulary of terms which  designate American railway signals, their parts, attachments and details of  construction, with descriptions of methods of operation and some illustrations  of British signals and practice (1911)  - Adams, B. B., Hitt, R. - 584 pages
 Railway signaling (1921)  - King, E. E. - 398 pages
 A catalogue of the devices and their parts
 (1894)  - 364 pages

 American practice in block signaling: with descriptions and drawings of the  different systems in use on railroads in the United States (1891)  - 92 pages

 Automatic block signals and signal circuits; American practice in the  installation and maintenance of signals electrically controlled, and operated by  electric or other power, with descriptions of the accessoriesnow regarded as  standard (1908)  - Scott, R. - 264 pages

 Block and interlocking signals (1896)  - Elliott, W. H. - 290 pages

 Catalogue of interlocking and railroad signaling appliances (1889)  - 151 pages

 Design of an electrically operated interlocking switch and signal plant at  McCook, Ill. (1907)  - Saunders, J. E. - 182 pages

 Efficient railway operation (1919)  - Haines, H. S. - 740 pages

 Electric interlocking handbook by the Engineering staff of the General railway  signal company (1917)  - Sperry, H. M., Carter, P. E. - 450 pages

 Electric locking, including a number of chapters which appeared originally in  the Railway signal engineer (1918)  - Anderson, J. - 232 pages

 Power railway signalling, by H. Raynar Wilson (1909)  - Wilson, H. R. - 362 pages

 Railway "block" signalling: the principles of train signalling and apparatus for  ensuring safety (1899)  - Pigg, J. - 416 pages

 Railway-signalling: automatic; an introductory treatment of the purposes,  equipment, and methods of automatic signalling and track-circuits for steam and  electric railways, for railwaymen, students, and others (1922)  - Wilson, F. R. - 152 pages

 Reference book of parts in connection with inter-locking and block signaling,  1894; special awards at World's Fair, Chicago, 1893 (1894)  - 252 pages

 The Block System of Signaling on American Railroads (1901)  - Braman B. A. - 277 pages

 The first principles of railway signalling including an account of the  legislation in the United Kingdom affecting the working of railways and the  provision of signalling and safety appliances (1910)  - Byles, C. B. - 186 pages

 The Invention of the track circuit - the history of Dr. William Robinson's  invention of the track circuit, the fundamental unit which made possible our  present automatic block signaling and interlocking systems (1922)  - 130 pages

 The need of automatic train control, with facts concerning its development and  present status (1920)  - Camp, W. M. - 66 pages

 The railway signal and permanent way engineer's pocket book (1922)  - 352 pages

 The signalman and his work (1921)  - Van Auken, K. L. - 252 pages

 Train operation by signal indication. I. The two principal methods of directing  train movements. II. Directing train movements by signal indication (1920)  - Sperry, H. M. - 38 pages

 Train rules, block signal rules, interlocking rules, signal indications and  aspects, general regulations (1919)  - 196 pages

Here are a few  images from the collection:



 Attention eBay Staff: The book or books on this media were copyrighted prior to January 1, 1923 and/or are Government publications which are free of copyright restrictions.   This media resides within the Public Domain as defined by the United States Copyright Office. This ad complies with all eBay rules and regulations.