Welcome To PokeCardsAus!

The best value Pokemon Packs on ebay!

200 Pokemon Cards Pack!

Fantastic for players, collectors, kids, adults and as gifts!

Each pack contains;

• 1 Ultra Rare VMAX Card!

• Mix of 24 Holo, Celebration Holos, Non-Holo Rares and Reverse Holo Cards!

• 126 Uncommon/Common Cards

Plus 50 Energy Cards to help build your deck!


Ultra Rare Card - These are your EX, GX, V, VMAX, Mega EX cards!

Rare Card - A Non-Holo card that has a black star "*" bottom right or left.

Holo Card - The Pokemon/Characters art has a cool holo effect to it!

Reverse Holo Card - The border/writing on the card has an awesome holo effect to it!

These packs are shipped using AusPost Tracked Services for peace of mind; for faster express shipping, please select express at checkout for only an extra $4.00.

We're an Aussie Family that love Pokemon Cards! We started this lil store as a way to bring Pokemon Cards cheaper to collectors and families, and now we're selling over 1,000,000 cards a year in Australia alone! 

The cards in the photos are all cards that have gone into these bulk packs, we take new photos regularly to show the new cards and sets being put into packs, we typically have 100's of Ultra Rares in stock at all times, ask away if you have a request!

We love to help you guys out, so any questions don't hesitate to ask!

Thanks for looking and happy shopping!