Masalo® Cuff MED - Support for tennis elbow, golfer's elbow & mouse arm (epicondylitis)

· unique counter-traction principle

· immediate pain relief, sustainable effect

· not a "standard" tennis elbow brace

· patented construction, high wearing comfort

· more than 45.000 happy customers

· Certified high-grade materials

· allergy friendly, disinfectable

· washable & hygienic

Fast and secure
excellent customer
service (English/German)
certified medical device  regulation 2017/745/EU

Tennis elbow? Golfer's elbow? Finally help!

With each movement of the arm, fingers or wrist tensile forces of the forearm muscles act on the tendon attachments (Epicondyli) at the elbow.

Unusually high loads, strenuous or repetitive movements of the arm can lead to microcracks in these tendons and they may become inflamed.

If tensile forces are the main cause for the injury and if every single movement of the arm may even aggravate the condition,
wouldn´t it be logical to apply a counter-force to the area affected?

As soon as this counter-traction deflects and intercepts the tensile forces,
shouldn´t this lead to immediate and noticeable pain relief as well as a significant support of the healing process?

That´s exactly what our Masalo® Cuff does.

By generating a counter-traction on the extension of the arm, it causes a discharge of the affected area and the arm can be used normally again.

With the Masalo® Cuff attached, the arm remains flexible and the muscles are permanently stretched and massaged, which reduces the risk of aggravation and incidence. The Masalo® Cuff can be worn as a preventive measure and in an acute or chronic epicondylitis.

The straining tensile forces of the muscles and tendons are intercepted by the cuff and are diverted to the upper arm strap. The injured area is completely protected. Due to its unique construction, the Masalo® Cuff can be worn permanently. Throughout the day and even during the night!

TV test report about the Masalo® Cuff MED

The German broadcasting channel World full of miracles and a highly respected sports physician from Switzerland tested our Masalo® Cuff MED against epicondylitis.

In this clip the unique mechanism of action of the cuff is explained by the physician and the clinical picture of the tennis elbow and why our invention can help every sufferer is shown as well.

Helpful information video

Our information video provides helpful information about the treacherous and painful epicondylitis, its causes and how the Masalo® Cuff can help ridding the injury.

Our clever invention with its revolutionary and unique mechanism of action is so much more than a usual tennis elbow support.

Learn everything about this new remedy by watching our information video first.

How does the Masalo® Cuff work?

The Masalo® Cuff MED works with the proven Masalo® counter-traction principle, which is still unique in the field of epicondylitis treatment. More than 50,000 customers have already been able to rid their treacherous injury with the help of our products.

The comfortable forearm cuff of the Masalo® cuff MED is placed a few inches apart from the elbow and fixed with the high-quality and very durable Velcro fastener. The upper arm strap is then also fastened with a Velcro and adjusted accordingly to the desired activity and load of the arm.

The unique and patent pending construction keeps the upper arm strap in place regardless of the movement or the flexion of the arm.

Slipping of the belt is prevented by an additional element with silicone nubs (which can optionally be easily removed as well).

The tensile forces are reduced or completely stopped by the proven counter-traction principle, the affected area is relieved immediately.

The negative tractive forces are diverted to the redesigned upper arm strap.
As a result, the affected tendons have the chance to heal, although the arm can be used at full strength again.


The Masalo® Cuff MED is a revolutionary medical device with a high success rate against tennis elbow, golfer's elbow (epicondylitis).
The unique operating principle of our product immediately relieves pain.

The superior effect of the Masalo® products has always been the unique selling proposition of our clever invention and this effect has now been even greatly improved.

The Masalo® Cuff MED is also visually more attractive and consists of high-grade materials, multilayer textiles and high-tech fibres, that make wearing the cuff very comfortable and simply a snug fit. The cuff is washable and can therefore be worn in occupations with strict hygienic regulations as well as for swimming, water sports and much more.

The Masalo® Cuff MED therefore is the ideal support for all epicondylitis plagued patients, athletes, workers and active people and should not be missing in any medicine cabinet or gym bag for prophylaxis.

We wish you a rapid recovery!

Size chart

Only a correctly applied cuff can ensure pain relief and recovery!

In order to determine the correct cuff size for you, please measure the circumference of the affected forearm at the thickest part. Please perform the measurement in a slightly stretched arm state.

Between 25.5cm and 28.5cm both sizes are a snug fit.

Please choose size 1 when having a circumference of 27cm or less and choose size 2 with a circumference of more than 27cm.

How to use and apply the Masalo® Cuff MED

Putting on the Cuff correctly is quick and simple.
Look forward to your restored quality of life! :-)
Please read our instruction manual (in the package with the cuff) first and additionally watch our helpful video below.

Please follow the given instructions precisely in order to achieve the maximum effect with your cuff.

Please try on the Masalo® Cuff in a clean and dry environment and be sure to handle the product with care.
We can not offer a full purchase refund if the cuff is used for a longer period of time or shows obvious signs of wear.

We wish you a rapid recovery! :-)

Medical notes


Treatment and prophylaxis of: 
* Epicondylitis humeri radialis ("tennis elbow", epicondylitis lateralis / exterior epicondyle)
* Epicondylitis humeri ulnaris ("golfer's elbow", medial epicondylitis / inner epicondyle)

Targeted groups of patients:
This product is developed for patients suffering from epicondylitis humeri radialis and/or epicondylitis humeri ulnaris, for aftercare, as well as for prophylaxis at activities straining the affected area.


The product is not intended for use, or may only be applied after consultation with the doctor at:
* Allergies and / or material incompatibility
* Injured, irritated or damaged skin (within the affected area)
* Sensation and / or circulatory disorders of the hand
* In case of paralysis (for example hemiparesis), oedemas, swellings
* Acute fractures in the area of effect (on or near the elbow, forearm)
* Impaired lymph drainage - including soft tissue swelling of uncertain origin located outside of the area of effect  

Side effects:
Even if used properly, on the skin may temporarily occur bruising or redness under heavy load of the arm.
Other side effects are not known.
If unexpected additional pain or allergic reactions occur, please consult your doctor immediately.

We must inform you, that any seriuous incident that has occured in relation to the device, which, directly or indirectly, might lead to or might have led to the death of a patient, or user or of other persons or to a serious deterioration in their state of health should be reported to us and the competent authority of the member state in which you are established.  

Exclusion of liability:
Please use the cuff only after consulting your physician. Usage without prior consent is your own sole responsibility. Any liability for normal wear and tear is excluded. Compensation claims of every kind are excluded. The liability according to the product liability law is not restricted by the above mentioned statements.  

Aid approval:
The Masalo Cuff MED has the following aid number in Germany.

Legal marks:
The Masalo® Cuff is a medical device regarding regulation 2017/745/EU



65% polyester
26% nylon
6% viscose
2% elasthane
1% cotton


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  • Stet clita kasd gubergren
  • no sea takimata sanctus est
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

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Masalo® Cuff MED - Finally help against epicondylitis!

High customer

The Masalo® Cuff has already helped many fellow sufferers.

Browse through hundreds of genuine user reviews!

Well known
from radio and TV

Several broadcasters and a highly respected physician already tested our Masalo® Cuff.

Watch now! :-)

Fast and secure

Different payment options -

secure handling.

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customer support

Any questions or concerns?

Contact us - we are always happy to help :-)

English/German support only!