Enterprise Networks and Logistics for Agile Manufacturing

Paperback / Softback
Wang, Lihui; Koh, S.C. Lenny
Springer, Berlin
406 pages; XIX, 406 p.; 23 x 155 x 235 mm
Recycling, Manufacturing System, Recycling, Supply Chains, distribution, logistics, marketing, network management, optimization, outsourcing, scheduling, simulation, supply chain, supply chain management, Manufacturing, Integrated Supply Chain, Engineering Economics
EUR 160,49 (inkl. MwSt.)
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Enterprise Networks and Logistics for Agile Manufacturing
Here is a focused collection of quality chapters on state-of-the-art research efforts in the areas of enterprise networks and logistics, as well as their practical applications towards agile manufacturing. The authors also look at future trends in the field.
Enterprise Networks and Logistics for Agile Manufacturing presents a focused collection of quality chapters on state-of-the-art research efforts in the areas of enterprise networks and logistics, as well as their practical applications towards agile manufacturing.With the increasing decentralisation of manufacturing systems and outsourcing of processes, more robust and practical approaches and systems are needed to support agile manufacturing operations. Enterprise Networks and Logistics for Agile Manufacturing consists of two major sections: the first presents a broad-based review of the key areas of research in enterprise networks and logistics; the second focuses on an in-depth treatment of a particular methodology or system relevant to the book title. Examples include:- sustainable green supply chain;- value creation and supplier selection;- extended enterprise network management;- reverse logistics; and- innovative supply chain systems.The authors take into account the need to pose intellectual challenges while retaining a balanced approach in terms of scope versus depth and theory versus applications.Enterprise Networks and Logistics for Agile Manufacturing can be beneficial to academic researchers, practicing engineers and managers, and graduate students with an interest in any manufacturing sectors. It can enable them to better understand the present state and future trends of research in this important area, in order to position themselves strategically for future challenges as we enter the era of agile and distributed manufacturing.
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