Pica in Individuals with Developmental Disabilities

Sturmey, Peter; Williams, Don E.
Springer, Berlin
1st ed. 2016
182 pages; XIX, 182 p. 2 illus.; 241 x 164 x 18 mm
Reihe / Serie
Autism and Child Psychopathology Series
Sickle cell disease and pica, Self-injury and pica, Reinforcement and pica, Positive punishment and pica, Antecedent and pica, Anemia and pica, Applied behavior analysis and pica, Pica and autism, Mental retardation and pica, Iron deficiency and pica, Intellectual disabilities and pica, Hand mouthing and pica, Functional assessment and pica, Functional analysis and pica, Developmental disabilities and pica, Behavior modification and pica, Behavior disorders and pica, Asperger syndrome and pica
EUR 139,09 (inkl. MwSt.)
NEUWARE - Tagesaktueller, sicherer und weltweiter Versand. Rechnung legen wir bei.
Pica in Individuals with Developmental Disabilities
This book provides a comprehensive overview of the clinical phenomenon of pica. It focuses specifically on the disorder as it presents in children, adolescents, and adults with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and intellectual disabilities (ID). Initial chapters introduce current theories and definitions, followed by a more detailed examination of how developmental disabilities complicate diagnosis and intervention. The volume describes evidence-based and clinically sound approaches to the treatment and prevention of pica in school and adult clinical settings, ranging from behavioral treatment to function-based interventions. In addition, it discusses common diagnostic, client, and provider issues that result in pica remaining undetected among individuals with ASD and ID.
Featured topics include:
  • Definition of pica in accessible terms, differentiating between various forms of the disorder.
  • Issues and practical methods ofprevention and treatment of pica in developmentally disabled persons.
  • Functional and behavioral assessment methods for pica in individuals with ASD and ID.
  • A range of effective behavioral and nonbehavioral treatments for pica.
  • Illustrative cases and service delivery challenges.
  • Areas for future research and practice.
Pica in Individuals with Developmental Disabilities is an invaluable resource for researchers, clinicians and other professionals, and graduate students in clinical child and school psychology, behavior analysis/therapy, and social work as well as child and adolescent psychiatry, pediatrics, family studies, and special education.
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