This Ram 1" B Ball size compatible is the 22" version of our LM-300 with our new mic holder design.
This mount can be installed in just a few minutes as long as you have access to the seat rail mount on the passenger or drivers seat. Just loosen the bolt, slide the metal bracket that comes with this mount under the seat rail mount and tighten back down.
The shaft is made of an aluminum rod and can be shaped by hand so you can adjust it to get the perfect view of your HT transceiver.

The mount has a faceplate that will accept any GMRS or Amateur radio transceiver belt clip.

This offer also includes the mic holder, which is a must in my opinion. A very nice feature of our new mic holder is that it can be installed or taken off in just a few seconds and is a great solution if you need a quick mounting solution for a rail or handlebars. It is nice to have a great solution for your remote head, but most mounts don't include a place for  your mic....this one does. 

The mount is 22" in length not the 18" versions offered by others on e-bay.

Please note the transceiver or the microphone show in this photo are not included in this offer.