Ceramic Raw Materials: Three main types of Ceramics are earthenware, stoneware and porcelain. DE

Paperback / Softback
Chaduvula, Dr. Asha Immanuel Raju; Jeldi, Anitha
Scholar's Press
112 pages; 220 x 150 mm
Chemische Technik, Ceramic raw materials, minerals, rocks, clay, silica, Refractories
EUR 65,90 (inkl. MwSt.)
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Ceramic Raw Materials
To gain a better understanding of the earth and the rocks that contain the most useful ores, as well as the physical and optical properties of minerals and ores, To become familiar with the formation of various raw materials, as well as to learn about the various types of clays and to broaden one's understanding of other raw materials used in ceramics, Obtaining information on deposit distribution The student will be able to identify the sources and availability of ceramic raw materials by the end of the course. Investigate different clays as raw materials for different ceramic products. Explain the behaviour of silicates as ceramic raw materials. Discover the raw materials that are used in accessory ceramics.
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