This Harrison Ford Fanzine "Flip of a Coin 11" was published in 1987 and contains 314 pages. GEN. Published by Three Sons and a Brother Press.  This fanzine is in good used condition.

  • cartoon by Yvonne Zan (2)
  • Hello! (3)
  • Reviews (4)
  • Guidelines for Submissions (15)
  • Back from Vacation by Jacqueline Taero (Indiana Jones) (16)
  • Confrontation by Elaine Christiani (Vader's "dinner guests," Han, Leia and Chewie realize the helpless position Lando has placed them in because of his deal with the Empire.) (Star Wars) (18)
  • Police Story by Cypher (Witness) (21)
  • Blind Alley by Tonya Cox (Mosquito Coast) (22)
  • The Debt by Sally A. Syrjala ("Free of the carbonite, Han has time to ponder premises kept and his love for Leia.") (Star Wars) (24)
  • Say What? by Cypher (various characters) (27)
  • Angel of Mercy by Jean Marie Dewey ("Indy and Marion survive the Wrath of God only to meet the Guardian of the Ark.") (Indiana Jones) (28)
  • Escape! by Beth M. Lentz (Blade Runner) (62)
  • Mosquitia by Debra Edwards (Mosquito Coast) (62)
  • The Other Side of the Jump by Beth C. Masterson ("Han recalls someone else he cared for as he watches over a battered Luke Skywalker while waiting for rescue on Hoth.") (Star Wars) (66)
  • To Sleep! Perchance to Dream by Michelle Worley ("A young woman finds an other-worldly friend in an unlikely place, and a face from the past lights vp the present.") (Indiana Jones) (71)
  • Carbonite Enlightenment by Marci Erwin (Star Wars) (78)
  • Evening on the Wind by Elaine Christiani ("On the deck of the Bantu Wind, Marion reflects on her past with Indy...and the possibilities for the future.") (Indiana Jones) (79)
  • Return of the Corellian by Jacqueline Taero (Star Wars) (82)
  • Etchings in a Child's Eye by Jacqueline Taero (Mosquito Coast) (83)
  • Winter Dreams by Tracy Taylor ("Leia's peaceful dream of her past and her future life with Han on Alderaan is painfully interrupted as she awakens aboard the Rebel cruiser following the events on Cloud City.") (Star Wars) (84)
  • Resume by Cypher (Blade Runner) (90)
  • Gold by Martie O'Brien ("A collection of filk lyrics inspired by Mosquito Coast, illustrated by Wanda Lybarger.") (91)
  • First Lesson by Marcia Brin ("At age seven, Han Solo is taken in by a Wookiee clan. But after having been abandoned by all those he loved, can he ever learn to trust again?" Another summary: "It is a a darker universe based in part on Lucas' thumbnail bio of Han in SKYWALKING, which also tells us that Wookiees have the Force. From this bio, we know that Han, for example, spent half his childhood with the Wookiees and, therefore, at the least, was exposed to the Force at an early age. Meaning, of course, that his comments to Luke in A NEW HOPE were deliberately misleading. Even with this brief bio, Han's origins remain completely mysterious.") (part of the "The Storm Cycle" "Reap the Whirlwind" in The Wookiee Commode #4, and "Run Before the Storm" in Kessel Run #4. ) (Star Wars) (103)
  • Singapore Sling by Barbara Anderson ("His original objective was the last remains of Nurhachi, but a prophetic encounter in Singapore with the beautiful Dragon Lady leads Indiana to his first and almost last adventure with Wu Han as ancient Oriental terror is set loose upon the earth.") (Indiana Jones) (115)
  • Silent Sol(o)iloquy by Jill Thomas (Star Wars) (162)
  • Curtain Call by L.A. Adolf ("Obi-Wan finds returning from the grave more of an adventure than he bargained for; and Han Solo finds that even Rebel heroes can't "get no respect. A less than reverent pre-ROTJ look at "other hopes.") (reprinted in News of the Rebellion #11 [13]) (Star Wars) (163)
  • My Dearest John by Christine Haire (Witness) (176)
  • A Tommy Tale, part one by Wanda Lybarger ("It wasn't so much that she was a stray; Tommy Lillard was sort of getting used to collecting them. What he hadn't bargained for were vendettas, a husband, murder...and love.") (Frisco Kid) (177)
  • Save Us from Princesses by Ruth Radecki ("Han Solo has never been big on babysitting, especially when the sittee is a royal teenager who thinks the Corellian is pretty neat. He's still not big on babysitting -- or royalty.") (Star Wars) (221)
  • Fireside Soliloquy by Elaine Christiani (Frisco Kid) (252)
  • Indiana Wants Me by Jeanna Falk (Indiana Jones) (253)
  • Thoughts to the Dripping of Rain by Jacqueline Taero (Blade Runner) (254)
  • Bill of Fare by Elaine Christiani ("The charms of Pankot Palace have worn thin for Willie Scott with the arrival of chilled monkey brains.") (Indiana Jones) (256)
  • How Do You Tell a Friend? by Susan Zahn (Star Wars) (259)
  • The Parting by Jacqueline Taero (Frisco Kid) (260)
  • Ever Had One of Those Days... ? by Jill Thomas (Indiana Jones) (262)
  • Lethal Witness by Cypher ("John Book is less than overjoyed to be saddled with a new partner—a psychotic, suicidal Los Angeles cop named Martin Riggs. The first time he saves Riggs' life, Riggs slugs him. Next Riggs goes after a woman in whom Book is interested. They snip, feud and fight... and then things start getting nasty.") (Witness/Lethal Weapon) (264)
  • Willie Scott's Restaurant Review by Jacqueline Taero (Indiana Jones) (304)
  • Notices (305)

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