Helleborus Mixed  - Hellebore X 20 Mixed SEEDS

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Helleborus Mixed  - Hellebore X 20 Mixed SEEDS


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Fresh 2022 season seeds ready for sowing, collected from a wide range of established parent plants. Bowl shaped, nodding, pale flowers in a mix of colours white, cream, pink, violet and deep violet black are produced very early in the season from January to March. 

Loved by bees and a very important food source early in the year.

Looks amazing in the front and middle of a mixed border making an early season statement. Very hardy and long lived and plants will gently self seed once established.

Easily raised from fresh seed.
Helleborus seeds are best sown as soon after harvest as possible (late spring to early summer). Sow in shallow pots or trays of good quality seed compost , lightly cover the seeds, water well and place cold frame.
Seeds should start to germinate late October to late November. 
Prick off at 3 leaf stage. 
Alternatively seeds can be sown in spring after a period of cold stratification. Soak seeds for 24 hours before
placing between damp kitchen roll in sealed bag or carton (plastic takeaway cartons are ideal). Place in salad draw of fridge (4C) for 6 weeks. Remove & sow as above germinate at 15-18 C using either a propagator or sealing seed tray inside a polythene bag until after germination occurs.  
Sporadic germinators taking up to 90 days

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