United States Chess Federation

Volume XXVII

Number 3

March, 1972

EDITOR: Burt Hochberg


Jack Staley Battell


1. A. Horowitz


Seventh Annual American Open, by Carl Budd

Chess Life Here & There

Chess Quiz (solutions p. 153), by J. S. Battell

Keres Annotates

Game of the Month, by Svetozar Gligoric

Chess Ramblings, by George Koltanowski

In the Arena, by Pal Benko

Over the Board, by Dr. Petar Trifunovic

Industrial Chess, by Matt Pavitt

Games from Recent Events, by Hans Kmoch

Timman Wins Stockholm Open, by Sandor Nilsson

Rating Reports Received

What's the BEST Move?, by Larry Evans

The Practical Endgame, by Edmar Mednis

ICCF News and Notes, by Walter Muir

Two Move Awards, by Newman Guttman and Edgar Holla-day

Judges Report: Endgame Studies, by Robert Brieger and

Walter Korn

The USF Rating System

USF Rating Supplement

USCF Election Notice

Postal Chess, directed by Jack Straley Battell

Postal Games, annotated by John W. Collins

Tournament Life

Our Cover Photo ..

Carl Pilnick, winner of the 7th

American Open.