Item: Japan eShop 5000 Yen Prepaid Card
Delivery Method: Email Delivery (16-Digit Code). 

  • Please allow between 16 and 24 hours for us to process orders.
    • Delivery times may vary for new customers with no feedback.
    • Account verification maybe required for certain buyers.
  • An email will be sent to buyer of delivery preference. 

With the release of the Nintendo Switch system, the console is now region free. This means that users (anywhere) are now able to gain access to Japan-specific games and demos.

Users must either sign in or create a separate Japanese eShop account in order to purchase Japanese exclusive content and games.

Nintendo Switch 

Shop within the Japan Nintendo eShop store with your imported Japanese Nintendo 3DS, New 3DS, Wii U systems, and Switch. The points allow anyone to download the latest Japanese titles without the need to fly to Japan or have a Japanese credit card.