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Star Child Energy 100ml Bath Oil

Star Child Energy 100ml Bath Oil

  • £11.44
  • Star Child Oils are made from high quality ingredients.
  • Sourced from individuals that hold ethics.
  • Clean and light Smelling.
  • Uses: To aid and help sore and tied body. Relax and rejuvenate.

Star Child Energy Bath Oil 100ML
A vitalising blend of essential oils intended to replenish drained energies. Black Pepper is a very invigorating and warming oil that can boost the energy level in worn and weary bodies, while Rosemary stimulates the mind. The refreshing scent of Geranium has the very useful quality of being both relaxing and restorative and thus counts among the best, most versatile stress relieving and rejuvenating essential oils. This restorative oil relieves stress and tension and boosts flagging energy resources. This composition includes a magical infusion that corresponds with the invigorating power of Mars and the radiant power of the Sun.