Increases Soil Microbial Activity

This powerful liquid concentrate contains a wide range of beneficial bacteria that transforms organic materials into a nutrient-rich soil amendment. Using our compost activator will significantly reduce composting time, reduce offensive odors and accelerate beneficial microbial activity, making gardening easier. 

  • Suitable for all composting systems, compost toilets and worm farms 
  • Over 80 different active ingredients, fast, effective and easy to use
  • Reduces unpleasant from compost piles and compost toilets
  • 32 oz concentrate bottle makes 22 gallons
  • Chemical and poison free - safe and natural activator, booster and enhancer

USDA Organic.

How to Use:
Mix 3 tablespoons to a gallon of water for every cubic foot of materials to be composted and using a watering can or sprayer, water as needed.


Active Ingredients:

Microorganisms: 1 Million Colony Forming Units/cc (units/ml): Lactobacillus casei

Inactive Ingredients:

Water, organic molasses.