What a wonderful look at life in the 1800’s.  This Historical CD contains stories of the local townships of Woodford County, Illinois and its people.


7    Books on this 8GB USB Flash Drive !

(Over 2300 Pages)


Book 1) Portrait and Biographical Album of Woodford County, Illinois –1889


Book 2) The Biographical Record of Livingston and Woodford Counties, Illinois – 1900


Book 3) The Past and Present of Woodford County, Illinois -1878


Book 4) History of Woodford County – 1877


Book 5) History of Woodford County – 1910


Book 6) History of the Baptist Churches of Woodford County, Illinois - 1913


Book 7) Soldiers of the War of 1812, Whose Bounty Land Grants were Located In Woodford County, Illinois - 1913


An essential resource for Genealogists

Actual images of every page, in Adobe Acrobat Reader .PDF format. Works with any computer, and is easy to use and read.

These books are SEARCHABLE




Portrait and Biographical

Album of

Woodford County, Illinois


Full page portraits and biographical sketches of prominent and representative citizens of the county,

Together With

Portraits and biographies of all the governors of the state and of the presidents of the United States.



Chapman Bros.




595 pages


Surnames Found in Index


Adams, Allen, Arthur, Baker, Banta, Baringer, Barton, Bassett, Beal, Bell, Belsly, Belsley, Berg, Beveridge, Biebes, Bigger, Billinger, Blackmore, Bond, Bonlier, Bourn, Brubaker, Buckingham, Bullock, Bullock, Cheedle, Clark, Coen, Colburn, Combes, Converse, Corbly, Crawford, Cribben, Curtiss, Danforth, Darst, Davison, Davis, Davison, Dawson, Denman, Detweiler, DeRevries, Dickinson, Dodds, Donner, Down, Edwards, Eft, Ege, Ellis, Ellwood, Engel, Erskin, Evans, Fauber, Fehring, Filger, Fillmore, Fishburn, Fisher, Forsyth, Fort, Freese, Fuller, Fursman, Garber, Gardner, Gibson, Goodrich, Goodwin, Gough, Glessing, Grafft, Grieser, Gross, Grove, Gudeman, Haas, Haase, Hall, Hallom, Hammers, Hamm, Harper, Harrison, Harseim, Hayes, Hazen, Hefler, Held, Hepperly, Hereford, Herr, Herrick, Hill, Hitch, Hodgson, Hogelucht, Hohulin, Hollenback, Homer, Hunzmger, Hurd, Irving, Johann, John, Johnson, Jury, Kamp, Kaufman, Kellogg, Kennel, Kerr, Kerrick, Kief, Kingdig, Kingdon, Kipp, Knapp, Koehler, Krater, Krug, Kurtz, Lallman, Learned, Lemon, Lesch, Livingston, Lybarger, Major, Marshall, Mason, McChesney, McClure, McCord, McCulloch, McGuire, McHugh, McSparran, Meek, Meginnes, Michael, Miller, Molitor, Montgomery, Moore, Moschel, Moser, Mundell, Murphy, Murray, Myers, Nash, Owen, Padin, Page, Parker, Parkin, Parnham, Patterson, Patterson , Patton, Peard, Phillips, Pickard, Pierce, Piper, Plackett, Polhemus, Potter, Punke, Radford, Ramsey, Ranney, Rediger, Reed, Reeser, Render, Rice, Rich, Richards, Richardson, Riehl, Rippel, Robeson, Robbins, Robinson, Rogers, Roth, Russell, Ruvencht, Sadler, Schertz, Schofield, Schrock, Scott, Shafer, Shugart, Shuman, Shur, Simpson, Slyter, Smiser, Snyder, Spencer, Spires, Steider, Stephens, Stephensen, Stevenson, Stitt, Stoddard, Straight, Strathman, Stumbaugh, Sutton, Swan, Swartz, Tanton, Taylor, Theena, Thorpe, Tjaden, Tomb, Tool, Tucker, Tweddale, Tyler, Uphoff, Van Fossen, Van Pelt, Vanscyoc, Varble, Waggoner, Wagner, Wagner, Waite, Ward, Warren, Weber, Webber, Wheelwright, Whitmire, Wickler, Wilcox, Wilson, Williams, Wineteer, Woltzen, Wylie, Yambert, Yerion, Zeller, Zimmermann, Zinser,




The Biographical Record


Livingston and Woodford

Counties, Illinois



The S.J. Clarke Publishing Company




684 pages




Adams, Albrecht, Allen, Andrews, Armitage, Armstrong, Baird, Baker, Balmer, Bangs, Barickman, Barnhizer, Barr, Barton, Baleman, Bauman, Belsley, Bennett, Bentley, Biddle, Bischoff, Bocock, Boyer, Brace, Bradle, Bradley, Briggs, Broadhead, Brownson, Brown, Brubaker, Bruce, Bruner, Brunskill, Buck, Burns, Burroughs, Buttler, Button, Caldwell, Call, Camp, Capes, Carson, Cavan, Chapman, Childs, Clandin, Cleary, Collins, Conrad, Converse, Cornell, Countryman, Cowan, Crabb, Crawford, Cribben, Crumbaker, Dahl, Damman, Daniels, Darst, Davenport, Davidson, Dearth, Defenbaugh, Denehe, Dennis,  Desire, Dierking, Dixon, Duckett, Dunham, Dunmire, Earp,  Eckhart, Eichhorn, Eilts, Ellinger, Ellingwood, Ellis, Engel, Engelsen, Erickson, Evans, Fagot, Farley, Farney, Faw, Feehan, Fellows, Finchman, Finley, Fisher, Fitzgerald, Flagler, Flessner, Fosdick, Foster, Fox, Frakes, Francis, Frederick, Frederick, Fry,

Gaff, Gardner, George, Gletz, Gibbons, Gingerich, Gingrich, Gish, Glinnen, Goembel, Goodman, Goodwin,

Gordon, Gourley, Graftt, Graham, Grandy, Gregory, Grieser, Grove, Guenther, Guthrie, Hack, Hall, Hancock, Harms, Hart, Hartman, Hausslar, Hawk, Hayes, Haynes, Hays, Heisner, Hemstreet, Hertlein, Hester, Hodgson, Hogelucht, Hoke, Holman, Holt, Hoobler, Hoover, Horneman, Horton, Hoshor, Hotaling, Houder, Huffman, Hughes, Humiston, Huxlable, Irving, Ivins, Jacquin, Jamison, Jenkins, Jeter, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Jury, Kane, Karr, Kellog, Kellogg, Kenney, Kent, Kerrick, Ketcham, Kimber, Klein, Kleen, Knisht, Kull, Kuntz, Large, Lawrence, Learned, Leffers, Leggate, Leiserowitz, Lehmann, Lemon,  Leonard, Lewis, Linville, Lommatch, Long, Louderback, Lovell, Lower, Lucus, Liming, McCabe, McClintock, McCormick, McGregor, McGuire, McKinney, McMillan, McOneber, Manhser, Marshall, Meek, Michels, Miller, Moore, Morgan, Morris, Morrison, Mourer, Munson, Murphy, Murtaugh, Myer, Myers, Naffziger, Nelhs, Nichols, Nicol, O'Brien, O'Connor, Oleson, Oliver, Ore, Oughton, Owen, Parker, Patterson, Patton, Pearson, Perryman, Peterson, Pettett, Phillips, Pifer, Pillsbury, Piper, Potter, Prisk, Quinn, Rabe, Radford, Ray, Reed, Reineke, Reising, Ringler, Riss, Robeson, Robinson, Rohrer, Romberger, Rook, Roth, Rumbold, Ryerson, Saemisch, Santelman, Schafer, Schlosser, Schoenbeck, Schroeder, Schweizer, Seamans, Shafer, Shantz, Shedd, Siegert, Simmons, Simpson, Skinner, Smith,

Sneyd, Somers, Springer, Stephenson, Starry, Stewart, St. John, Stoddard, Streid, Stroud, Sullivan, Sumner, Sutton, Swartz, Swatsley, Talbott, Tallyn, Tambling, Tanquary, Taylor, Theena, Thomson, Tiffany, Tombaugh, Torrance, Trecker, Truitt, Tucker, Turner, Tuttle, Vahey, VanAlstine, Vance, Van Seyoc, Vaughan, Veerkamp, Vercler, Vincent, Von Nordheim, Wagenseller, Watkins, Wallace, Walsh Walter, Warner, Wassom, Watson, Weber, Welte, Whalen, Whitham, Whitmire, Wilcox, Willems, Williamson, Wilder, Wilson, Winkler, Witt, Womeldorff, Woodling, Worthington, Wright, Wyatt, Wylie, Yates, Zeller,

Zimmerman, Zinser, Zollinger,





The Past and Present


Woodford County, Illinois


 A History of the County, its Cities, Towns, & c., a Directory of its Tax-payers, War Record of its Volunteers in the Late Rebellion, Portraits of Early Settlers and Prominent Men, General and Local Statistics, Map of Woodford County, History of Illinois illustrated, History of the Northwest illustrated, Constitution of the United States, Miscellaneous Matters, & c., & c.




Wm. LeBaron, Jr., & Co.




670 pages





Woodford County History

General History of Woodford Co.

Cazenovia Township

Clayton Township

Cruger Township

El Paso Township

Greene Township

Kansas Township

Linn Township

Metamora Township

Minonk Township

Montgomery Township

Olio Township

Palestine Township

Panola Township

Partridge Township

Roanoke Township

Spring Bay Township

Worth Township

Lithographic Portraits

Woodford County War Record

Township Directory

Abstract of Illinois State Laws






Woodford County

Giving a Brief Account of its Settlement, Organization, Physical Characteristics and Progress

By B.J. Radford

Peoria, Ills

W.T. Dowdall, Printer


78 pages


Chapter I. Description, natural history and early settlers
Chapter II. Organization of county
Chapter III. Domestic and social life
Chapter IV. Agriculture and farm products
Chapter V. Manufactures, trade, etc.
Chapter VI. Politics, law and medicine
Chapter VII. Educational and religious matters





Woodford County






By Roy L. Moore A.B.


Eureka, Ill.,

Woodford County Republican




250 pages



  Chapter I. Early Indian Population
Chapter II. Relics of Indian Life
Chapter III. Settlement of Metamora
Chapter IV. Walnut Grove Settled
Chapter V. History of Minonk
  Chapter VI. Palestine Settled
  Chapter VII. The Settler’s Cabin

  Chapter VIII. Education and religion
  Chapter IX. The county organizes
Chapter X. The county seat
Chapter XI. Travel and communication
Chapter XII. War records
  Chapter XIII. Storms and epidemics
Chapter XIV. Political views
Chapter XV. Industrial and Manufacturing
  Chapter XVI. Towns of the county
Chapter XVII. Slabtown and Farniville
Chapter XVIII. Minonk
Chapter XIX. Eureka
  Chapter XX. Miscellaneous





History of the

Baptist Churches


Woodford County, Illinois


By A.F. Marshall


Eureka, Ill.,

Woodford County Republican




45 pages


CHAPTER I. Early Heroes of the Church.

CHAPTER II. The Richland Baptist Church.

CHAPTER III. The Metamora Baptist Church.

CHAPTER IV. The Washburn Baptist Church,

CHAPTER V. The Panola Baptist Church.

CHAPTER VI. The El Paso Baptist Church

CHAPTER VII. The Meridian Baptist Church

CHAPTER VIII. The Minonk Baptist Church

CHAPTER IX. The Clayton and Benson Baptist Churches.

CHAPTER X. The Roanoke Baptist Church.

CHAPTER XI. The German Baptist Church of Minonk.

CHAPTER XII. Neighboring Churches

Deer Greek Church.

Belle Plain Baptist Church.






Soldiers of the

War of 1812

Whose Bounty Land Grants were Located in Woodford County,Illinois


By A.F. Marshall


Bloomington, Illinois




7 pages


Names of Soldiers, Rank, Company, Regiment, Etc., Warrant Number,

Date of Deed, Book Number or Designation, Page

Number, Etc. (Words "War of 1812" in Deeds

Omitted in Condensing Material)