Do you have a WEB page?
Do you have a WEB store?
Do you want to promote your social networks?
Do you sell items on WEB platforms?
Do you want to promote your WEB page?

If you answer Yes to any of our questions, you are interested in our product.

Software for Windows that once you insert your links, using chatGPT (AI) technology, accesses content servers to insert your links by topic, achieving good positioning in all search engines.

Works for WEB links, etsy, ebay, aliexpress, also for social media links, facebook, pinterest, linkedin, twitter, etc.

****** INCLUDES ******
1.- Software and 30 days of use.
2.- 5 links distributed in WEBs or keywords.
3.- Insertion of keywords for your WEBS.
4.- Organic, direct, referential, social and international traffic.
5.- Virtual Assistant.
6.- PDF tutorial, easy to use, simple and advanced mode.
7.- Multilanguage: Spanish, French, English, Portuguese, Italian and Romanian.
8.- Pre-sales and post-sales assistance by email.
9.- Technical Service 7 days a week.
10.- Monitoring through Google Analytics.
11.- Positioning and increase in sales in 15 days.
12.- Total guarantee, full refund if it doesn't work for you.

You need to run the software for the maximum number of hours per day.