Homeopathic Remedies Testing Kit contains 50 vials and Information Booklet (download)

This homeopathic Test Kit includes some of the most important homeopathic remedies for acute prescribing.

This Homeopathic Remedies Testing Kit is for testing purposes only. It is not intended for diagnosis, treatment, prescription or ingestion.

Homeopathic medicines are prepared from tiny amounts of proven healing substances derived mainly from plants, minerals, and animals. They are given in very minute doses and are safe for everyone because there is no risk of toxicity or side effects.

This Homeopathic Remedies Testing Kit is a homeopathic test kit designed to give practitioners, such as Kinesiologists, Chiropractors and Naturopaths, who are trained in muscle testing, a practical tool to test enhance their Kinesiology Balance.

Highly recommend these Testing Kits! Affordable and accurate with many different kits for food allergies, heavy metals, environmental toxins and more. Even over Zoom, the vials offer amazing accurate insights for people.
Evelin has impeccable integrity, knowledge, support and warmth. Orders are sent the same day and discounts offered over a certain amount.
Detailed information comes with each kit and Homeopathic courses are available if required. - Claire Chitty


1. Aconitum napellus

2. Allium cepa

3. Antimonium Tart

4. Apis mellifica

5. Argentum nitricum

6. Arnica montana

7. Arsenicum album

8. Belladonna

9. Bryonia alba

10. Calcarea carbonica

11. Calendula officinalis

12. Cantharis vesiatoria

13. Carbo vegetabilis

14. Chamomilla

15. China officinalis

16. Cocculus indicus

17. Coffea cruda

18. Colocynthis

19. Drosera rotundifolia

20. Eupatorium perfoliatum

21. Euphrasia officinalis

22. Ferrum phosphoricum

23. Gelsemium sempervirens

24. Hepar sulphuris calcareum

25. Hypericum perforatum

26. Ignatia amara

27. Ipecacuanha

28. Kali bichromicum

29. Lachesis muta

30. Ledum palustre

31. Lycopodium clavatum

32. Magnesium phosphoricum

33. Mercurius solubilis

34. Natrum muriaticum

35. Nux vomica

36. Phosphorus

37. Phytolacca decandra

38. Podophyllum peltatum

39. Pulsatilla pratensis

40. Pyrogenium

41. Rhus toxicodendron

42. Ruta graveolens

43. Sepia officinalis

44. Silicea terra

45. Sulphur

46. Staphysagria

47. Symphytum

48. Tabacum

49. Thuja occidentalis

50. Urtica urens

This Kinesiology Test Kit does NOT contain plants, minerals, or any other crude substance, but the homeopathic remedies made from these substances and is therefore perfect for muscle testing.

The homeopathic test kit contains glass vials as plastic can be unreliable for testing purposes. Pills are used to avoid liquid spillage and evaporation.

The test vials do not need to be opened as they are not intended for internal use, but for muscle testing only.

This homeopathic test kit comes in a flat cardboard box for convenient handling. If stored correctly it has an indefinite shelf life. Please store this homeopathic test kit away from heat, direct sunlight, mobile phones, magnets, microwaves, and power points.

This kit is not intended for DIAGNOSIS or TREATMENT and is NOT a home testing kits. It is intended for practitioners such as Kinesiologists, Bioresonance practitioners, Chiropractors or anyone trained in muscle testing.

"Great kits. Absolutely worth it - will order some again soon. Fast shipping and amazing service."  Melina Brunner

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