The title of this gen anthology is Who's Scruffy Lookin'?. All stories focus on Han Solo. Published by criterion Press in 1994. It is 165 pages. It is in good condition with slight wear from reading. Wanda Lybarger won the 1995 FanQ Award as 'Best Star Wars Artist' for her work in this zine. Other art by Barbara Fister-Liltz, and Z.P. Florian, with a special portfolio by Florian.

The Perfect Solo-tion by Deborah Kittle (3)

Decision Made by Kathryn Agel (10)

The Medics Strike Back by Carolyn Golledge and Judy Yuenger ("A meta fic that is a satirical commentary about hurt/comfort. "Solo is called to task by Rebel Accounting for all his medical expenses. Most of the injuries mentioned are taken from Golledge stories.") (reprinted in Never Say Die #8) (11)

A Medal, poem by Kathryn Agel (18)

Three Tickets to Tatooine by Z.P. Florian ("Cadet Solo is about to graduate from the Imperial Academy...until he meets his Captain’s beautiful young wife.") (reprinted in Han Solo) (19)

This Could Really Save My Neck by Nora Mayers (27)

Feelings, poem by Kathryn Agel (36)

Secrets by Martha Wilson ("Leia discovers something about Han's past, but will he believe it's by accident?") (reprinted in Bloodstripe #1) (37)

I Got More Than I Bargained For by Nora Mayers (49)

One Plus One Equals One by Cat Anson ("After Endor, a routine mission gets interesting for Han and Leia when Han encounters some old enemies...and an old lover.") (53)

Run Before the Storm by Marcia Brin ("These two stories are the first two in what was intended to be a longer series. Life being what it is, the other stories were never written. They are based on both the films and on George Lucas' thumbnail biography of Han in SKYWALKING, which is fascinating both for what it says and for what it doesn't say. Even after the information provided on everyone in SKYWALKING, Han remains the most mysterious.") (reprinted from Kessel Run #4) (75)

Reap the Whirlwind by Marcia Brin (reprinted from The Wookiee Commode #4) (80)

What are You Lookin' At? by Nora Mayers (83)

Han Solo at Wit's End by Rita Wilcoxon ("Han and Leia are having their wedding night...or they would be, if everyone would stop knocking on the door.") (86)

Art Portfolio by Z.P. Florian (96)

I Knew There Was More To You Than Money by Nora Mayers (105)

At First Sight by Pat Nussman ("Han and Leia have an encounter long before the Death Star is built. What do child slavers and militant pacifists want with 6-year old Leia Organa and how did 18-year old Han Solo get involved?") (reprinted from Kessel Run #3) (110)

Reputation, poem by Kathryn Agel (134)

The Night of the Four-Way Cross by Debra Doyle and J.D. MacDonald (135)

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