The title of this gen anthology is Knight of Shadows. Publisher Poison Pen Press in 1982. It is 116 pages. It is in good condition with slight wear from reading. 

"A novel of the young Darth Vader, the Jedi, and betrayal." [1]

"[Knight of Shadows offers] one fan's version of Darth Vader and his decision to align with the Empire." [2]

"Why did Darth Vader's royal bride despise him? Why would the Lord of the Sith forsake everything - power, position, his newborn son - to become a Jedi? He pusued a dream - but whose dream? A pre-Jedi story." [3]

"Story of a young Darth Vader on Sith - heir to Dark Lord - married - has child - cousin usurps title - goes to Ben to become Jedi - then taken over by the Emperor." [4]

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