Note: I have 9 volumes of the series :"Pre-Columbian Art in Peru". All large size 12"x9.25". All hardcover
Make an offer for the 9 volume set.

1. Chancay, 1982, weight 2.25 lb, 180 pages, 164 pictures . Period 1200 AD - 1450 AD
2. Chavin, 1981, weight 2.75 lb, 176 pages, 180 pictures. Period 900 BC - 200 BC
3. Chimu, 1988, weight 3.5 lb, 288 pages. 294 pic. ; Period 850 AD - 1470 AD
4. Huari, 1984, weight 2.75 lb, 196 pages, 206 pictures. Period 850 AD - 1470 AD
5. Lambayeque (Sican) 1989, weight 3.5 lb, 276 pages; 305 pictures; Period 750-1375 AD
6. Moche, 1985 , weight 3.25 lb, 248 pages, 297 pictures . Period 100-700 AD . THIS LISTING
7. Nazca, 1986, weight 2.75 lb, 204 pages, about 265 pictures. Period 100 BC - 800 AD
8. Paracas, 1983, weight about 3 lb, 192 pages, about 190 pictures. Period 900 BC-400 AD
9. Vicus, 1994, weight 5 lb, 382 pages, about 480 pictures (more than one object per photo)
(period 1000 BC-600 AD

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  • item : book
  • Title, original: Moche , Arte Y Tesoros del Peru,
    part of series "Coleccion Arte y Tesoros del Peru. Culturas Precolombinas."

    Title, translation: Moche, Art and Teasures of Peru
    part of series :"Art And Treasures Collection of Peru. Precolumbian Culture"
  • Year 1985, first edition.
  • hardcover (cloth) , dust jacket
  • author : Jose Antonio Lavalle
  • Language is Spanish .
  • publisher : Banco de Credito del Peru . Lima, Peru : 1985
  • illustrations : about 297 pictueres
    --metal work (gold, Jeweley)
    -- ceramisc /sculpures ((including a few famous erotic jugs),
    --textiles / weavings
  • ISBN 13 : ----
  • book size 12" x 9.25"
  • pages 248, printed on glossy paper
  • beautiful color edpapers
  • book weight about 3 lb - 4 oz
  • condition:
    -- used book.
    -- Good to very good condition.
    -- Book seems unread. Looked through.
    -- Cover is cloth.
    -- Dust jacket is clad in protective film.(on all 8 volumes)
  • in stock, ready for immediate delivery
  • Book will be packed in paper, bubbles, plastic bag and it will be shipped in a cardboard box.
    USPS tracking number included.