3 pcs Faceted Old USSR Glass Granenny 50-60' years Stakan Soviet Tea Vodka 220ml New

Rare model

Characteristics of a standard faceted glass made in the USSR:
Made in the 1950-1960 years
    Upper diameter: 7.0 cm;
    Bottom diameter: 5.5cm;
    Height: 10.5 cm;
    Number of faces:  14 (other values ​​are possible);
    Top edge width: 1.8 cm (other values ​​are possible);
Weigth - 246 g

Volume of glasses:  220 milliliters.

Important! The glasses were made in the USSR 75 years ago. Perhaps even during Stalin's lifetime. The glasses are not ordinary. They may contain air bubbles and unusual patterns of microcracks.

A faceted glass has a number of advantages over a conventional cylindrical glass. Thanks to its edges, such a glass is much stronger and can survive if it falls on a concrete floor from a meter height. Therefore, faceted glasses are produced to this day and are used in catering establishments, as well as in passenger trains (usually with a cup holder).

The people called the faceted glass "Malenkovsky", after the name of the Soviet statesman Georgy Maksimilianovich Malenkov. (the variety that was 250g and had an uncut rim on top was called the Bulganin glass)

There is a version that the Soviet faceted glass was created by a sculptor. At least, it is believed that the design for this glass was developed by the famous Soviet sculptor, creator of the famous monument "Worker and Collective Farm Woman" Vera Mukhina. According to one of the legends, she created this "masterpiece" of glassware together with the author of the "Black Square" Kazimir Malevich in besieged Leningrad in 1943.
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