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Brian Walsby has been a preiminent comic artist in the punk rock scene since the early eighties and "manchild" is his first collection of comics and artwork. In stories such as "Black Flag and Me," "Punk Rock Singer Stage Personas" and "My So-called Music Career," Walsby's comics capture the humorous and sarcastic side of punk culture. In addition, as a drummer for Scared Straight, WWAX with Mac from Superchunk, Patty Duke Syndrome with Ryan Adams, Daddy, and Polvo, Brian's comics reflect his first-hand insights into the ups and down of being in a band. Lastly, having created record covers for such bands as 7 Seconds and The Melvins as well as publishing comics for Chunklet, Left of the Dial, Maximum Rockand Roll, Flipside, and many other underground publications, you will find that "manchild" is an excellent addition to any punk rocker's book collection.