I have just acquired a collection of 30 WW1 French maps which all relate to the very beginning of the war. At this time, it seems that (like the British) the French were not prepared for war in terms of mapping as many of the maps are printed from survey maps dating to around the turn of the century, with some having slightly later revisions. Only as the months progressed and the war became more 'entrenched' did the Allies mapping services kick into gear.

This 1897 Revision map entitled "MEZIERES" (one of 5 different versions that I have available) would have been important during the very first week of the Germans invasion of France as the French were putting up fierce initial resistance, but the Germans very quickly over-ran the area, establishing their headquarters at Charleville just across the river Meuse. They later moved their headquarters across the river to Mezieres from where they planned the attacks on Verdun and The Chemin des Dames.

It's in very good condition and as well as Charleville and Mezieres, it features Sedan which was also the scene of fierce fighting at this time.

Measures 71cm x 54cm.

Will be shipped as per its existing fold lines.

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