Note: Headers included but not assembled.

Our STM32 Black Pill V3 Module comes with the more potent 100MHz STM32F411 MCU with 512kB Flash and 128kB RAM.

The STM32 Black Pill V3 with STM32F411 MCU delivers the performance of Cortex-M4 core with the floating-point unit, running at 100 MHz while achieving outstandingly low power consumption values in run and stop modes.

Implementation for Arduino and MicroPython have already been published, to make programming even easier than with STM's official development tools.

More information is available on ST Microelectronics website, GitHub, and WeAct website.

- 32 I/O ports, thereof 14 analog ports
- 5V power supply / 3.3V logic level
- on board RTC with its own clock base and connections for backup battery
- USB-C interface

Recommended accessories:
- ST-Link V2 programmer/debugger
- STM32 screw-terminal adapter with battery backup for the RTC
- DAPLINK Programming Adapter

To use the module with the Arduino IDE, download and install the STM32Cube Programmer:
... and add the link for the following board manager file to the Arduino IDE:
Open the Board Manager menu, search for STM32, and install the board manager package "STM32 MCU based boards".
When done, select:
- "Generic STM32F4 series" from the boards list
- "BlackPill F411CE" from board part numbers
- "Enabled (generic 'serial')" from U(S)ART support
- "CDC (generic 'Serial' supersede U(S)ART" from USB support if available
- "STM32CubeProgrammer (DFU)" from Upload method

Now you can create your sketch and upload it to your "Black Pill". To switch it into DFU mode, press and hold the Boot button, then reset the module, and release the Boot button. The blue LED should turn off, and your program will upload to the Black Pill using the on board USB connection.